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In the Hindu religion, rats represent foresight and prudence, and white ones are very lucky. Mooshika is the name of the steed that Ganesh - god of new beginnings and of fire, knowledge, wisdom, literature and worldly success - rides upon. The steed, of course, is the intelligent and gentle rat. “Mooshika” means “little hoarder.”

Dans la religion hindoue, les rats représentent la prévoyance et la prudence, les blancs étant considérés comme particulièrement chanceux. Mooshika est le nom du destrier de Ganesh – dieu des nouveaux départs, du feu, du savoir, de la sagesse, de la littérature et du succès matériel. Ce destrier, bien sûr, est un digne représentant de la race douce et intelligente des rats. Le nom ''Mooshika'' signifie petit amasseur.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where rats invade, they also help pollinate

“Invasive rats,” says BBC News, “are compensating for the loss of native pollinators in New Zealand, scientists report. The rats, which are responsible for devastating the native pollinator populations, are attracted to the flowers for their nectar. The results could mean that the decline of pollinating animals worldwide does not spell the end for all native plants. The results are published in a Royal Society journal. Almost 90 per cent of the world’s flowering plants are pollinated by animals.” (© Globe and Mail, Michael Kesterton)

The BBC News article shows a night-vision video taken by the study's author of a rat (a ship rat, or roof rat, Rattus rattus) pollinating a flower, and also shows a glorious red flower that was historically pollinated by rats (Metrosideros). The article has not yet been released to the public - in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society: B - Biological Sciences.

Monday, December 26, 2011

The empathy of rats

Les rats ont d'empathie (Article en français sur Radio-Canada

A few weeks ago, news was all over the web about how rats are actually quite kind and helpful to their friends, which is not a surprise at all to any of us pet rat lovers and to those (many) who have read an old account of a rat helping a blind companion by leading it with a twig. However, this audio segment from CBC's Quirks and Quarks interviews Dr. Peggy Mason, author of the paper "Empathy and Pro-Social Behavior in Rats," and she went into detail of the various methods they used to determine that the rats were really being helpful and not being selfish for one reason or another.

At the Quirks and Quarks link, you can also see a video of the rats in the experiment. No animals were harmed. :-)