- Welcome! Bienvenue!

In the Hindu religion, rats represent foresight and prudence, and white ones are very lucky. Mooshika is the name of the steed that Ganesh - god of new beginnings and of fire, knowledge, wisdom, literature and worldly success - rides upon. The steed, of course, is the intelligent and gentle rat. “Mooshika” means “little hoarder.”

Dans la religion hindoue, les rats représentent la prévoyance et la prudence, les blancs étant considérés comme particulièrement chanceux. Mooshika est le nom du destrier de Ganesh – dieu des nouveaux départs, du feu, du savoir, de la sagesse, de la littérature et du succès matériel. Ce destrier, bien sûr, est un digne représentant de la race douce et intelligente des rats. Le nom ''Mooshika'' signifie petit amasseur.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

SV/PV participating in The Colebrook Rat Project Raffle

Harmony House Raffle!! 21 Bank Street - Winsted, CT 06098 (U.S.A.)

It's time for another raffle working for a good cause! Harmony House, who is working with the Colebrook Rat Project, are in need of supplies and funding to care for all the rats they have recently rescued!

The complete story of the Colebrook Rat Project is detailed at:


Tickets can be purchased via PayPal at
DO NOT USE THE WORD "RAFFLE" - Use "Harmony". You will be emailed you
ticket numbers!

Ticket prices:
$1.00/ each for 1-4 tickets
$5.00 for 6 tickets
$10.00 for 13 tickets
$15.00 for 18 tickets
$20.00 for 25 tickets

For snail mail for those who choose to enter via check/money order, please email Carol J at - Please email Carol with any questions as well!

WINNERS will be drawn on October 12th, at which
time the 1st person drawn gets first pick of all the
prizes! 2nd place choose second, and so on. As of
right now there are 35 PRIZE GROUPS which can be seen at:

MORE prizes are to be added soon! Winners will be notified via email and asked to choose their prize in descending order, as drawn. There are MANY fabulous prizes, and with more on the way, you've got even more chances to win something fantastic, all while helping a rescue that desperately needs some support!

Again, photos of the prize packs can be seen at:
The first ticket drawn gets their CHOICE of any one of the prize groups, the second winner drawn gets second choice - and down through the line until all prizes are chosen.


Harmony House is still in need of supplies and support in other ways. If you can donate, some of their needs include:
- Igloos
- Wodent Wheels
- Toys
- Bedding
- Hammocks
- Food
- TRANSPORT for rats

If you can donate, please contact Sharry at (This email address is also applicable for PayPal donations)