- Welcome! Bienvenue!

In the Hindu religion, rats represent foresight and prudence, and white ones are very lucky. Mooshika is the name of the steed that Ganesh - god of new beginnings and of fire, knowledge, wisdom, literature and worldly success - rides upon. The steed, of course, is the intelligent and gentle rat. “Mooshika” means “little hoarder.”

Dans la religion hindoue, les rats représentent la prévoyance et la prudence, les blancs étant considérés comme particulièrement chanceux. Mooshika est le nom du destrier de Ganesh – dieu des nouveaux départs, du feu, du savoir, de la sagesse, de la littérature et du succès matériel. Ce destrier, bien sûr, est un digne représentant de la race douce et intelligente des rats. Le nom ''Mooshika'' signifie petit amasseur.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Bring some love home for Valentine's Day

We again have a huge problem with breeders in Quebec. A bunch of young – and old-enough-to-know-better – ladies have decided to get together and promote it as a fun hobby, even though we have never had enough adopters to look after all the rats we already had in this province. And twice now in my recent experience, breeders have surrendered their “overstock” to the shelters to find homes for, each time pregnant females with babies in bellies. Now I would rather they end up at the shelter than some place more unscrupulous, but breeding while there are so many homeless is unscrupulous itself. It's selfish and short-sighted. Of course babies are cute. All babies are. That's not a good enough reason to produce them.

These little girls and boys are looking for forever homes. They have been well socialized when in foster care, so the only ones that are shy and retiring (as they seem, in this picture) are those whose innate personalities are like that. Some are ferocious greeters-and-kissers. Ferocious!
Also, the SPCA is looking for many permanent homes and foster homes for rabbits. They have had a series of babies to contend with, as well.


Anonymous said...

Do you still have any? I'm looking fr 2 females
Where are you located?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mara, we're in Montreal. Where are you?