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In the Hindu religion, rats represent foresight and prudence, and white ones are very lucky. Mooshika is the name of the steed that Ganesh - god of new beginnings and of fire, knowledge, wisdom, literature and worldly success - rides upon. The steed, of course, is the intelligent and gentle rat. “Mooshika” means “little hoarder.”

Dans la religion hindoue, les rats représentent la prévoyance et la prudence, les blancs étant considérés comme particulièrement chanceux. Mooshika est le nom du destrier de Ganesh – dieu des nouveaux départs, du feu, du savoir, de la sagesse, de la littérature et du succès matériel. Ce destrier, bien sûr, est un digne représentant de la race douce et intelligente des rats. Le nom ''Mooshika'' signifie petit amasseur.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Abandoned guinea pig GIRLS safe now

On Saturday during our adoption clinic at Global - Pitou Minou et Compagnons, we received a call about two guinea pigs abandoned in a box in the parking lot at Kirkland's Wal-Mart. They were delivered to us that afternoon. They are described as two six-month-old boys, though we'll get the sexes checked at the vet, especially as one sounds a little congested. They were terrified, and remained so for more than a day. They are not used to human attention, so it will take a little while - a few weeks, at least - to get them into a friendly routine in preparation for adoption. They are both medium-haired, very cowlicky, and one is orange and one is black. They are not named. We will post more about them as we find out their sex, health, and personalities!

Update: They are girls, and their names are Iggy and Pop! Because I noticed I have a tendency to have musician-named pets.

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