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In the Hindu religion, rats represent foresight and prudence, and white ones are very lucky. Mooshika is the name of the steed that Ganesh - god of new beginnings and of fire, knowledge, wisdom, literature and worldly success - rides upon. The steed, of course, is the intelligent and gentle rat. “Mooshika” means “little hoarder.”

Dans la religion hindoue, les rats représentent la prévoyance et la prudence, les blancs étant considérés comme particulièrement chanceux. Mooshika est le nom du destrier de Ganesh – dieu des nouveaux départs, du feu, du savoir, de la sagesse, de la littérature et du succès matériel. Ce destrier, bien sûr, est un digne représentant de la race douce et intelligente des rats. Le nom ''Mooshika'' signifie petit amasseur.

Monday, September 04, 2006

CBC radio interview this morning.

This morning I was interviewed on CBC radio about what to do when you find a rodent outside, and why it's not humane to let them go. I thought it would be more about the rescue, and I sort of bombed that question as it was the first "What do you do at the rescue?" and I said "Well, a lot of cage cleaning, to start!" I explained how to manage the smell from male mice, who are odiferous, and our hopes to one day neuter male mice to give them a better chance at adoption and perhaps a better life in company of others. I also explained the life of a domestic rat outdoors, and how it ends in predation, but I also gave positive rat-recovery stories, such as the recent one in Ottawa where a male and female were found and trapped, and had warbles removed (I explained what warbles were in a matter-of-fact, scientific manner: bot-fly larvae).

Unfortunately I didn't cover any of my talking points about how we need adoptions and volunteers.

If I find an audio archive of the show, I will save it and post it here.

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